I saw Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, and Tafawa Belewa
(Their message for Nigeria at 57)
If you like call me a Fetish Priest
That only communes with the dead
Or hears the chants of the gods
No problem, a Poet is a living ghost;
He is a man that has no life of his own
Because in his veins and arteries, runs the pains of the citizenry.
I had decided to conceal my mouth
Since my voice has no melody
But since I was on my own, emitting heavy snores
Awolowo, Azikiwe, and Tafawa visited in my sleep
I have no fear to deliver their unanimous voices.
They: “We fought like lions
And delivered you from the white man’s dungeon
With our sacred sweats, we pushed for your Independence
But now, what are we hearing?
“We sowed the seed of patriotism
But you withered it immediately it emerged
And sowed your numerous seeds of nepotism
We enthroned justice
But you have dethroned it and enthroned injustice.
“On the sacred alter of peace
We wedded Nigeria
But today you have divorced peace
And got wedded with war, terrorism, ‘herdsmenism’, innocent killings etc
And even invited Python to dance gruesomely where the holy sun rises from
“Truly, the globe is suffering from recession
But Nigerian’s own was caused by you;
When you diverted the million million meant to pay the workers
And the billion billion meant to purchase arms for security
Despite the oil money you always shared like your father’s wealth
Didn’t you know that nothing is permanent forever?
“You are fighting corruption daily with one hand
But you still welcome it with the other hand
You’re already 57 today, but still…
You better chase the black goat before it gets dark!
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