Paul Akpederi, a 52-year-old retired civil servant, is now a ‘tenant’ in a Lagos police cell after taking her daughter’s virginity. The Delta State indigene, who lives on Adegbite Street, Ori-Okuta, in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State, was alleged to have raped his 15-year-old daughter, Rose, for over three years. According to the information gathered by PUNCH Metro , Paul started sexually abusing Rose when she was in Junior Secondary School Three. When the secret got to the knowledge of a teacher, Paul allegedly changed her school. The suspect was said to have continued the abuse until she got to Senior Secondary School Two in her new school. Rose’s former teacher was said to have run into her sometime in October 2017 and told a friend about Rose’s plight, who then alerted the Lagos State Office of the Public Defender through the agency’s social media platform. The officials of the agency reported the case to the police at the Owutu division, who then arrested the su...